It's almost been one year (minus 2 days) since the last time i was in hospital emergency with an overdose. Last Christmas life got on top of me. I'd just finished a job where the boss was hell on earth, I had a month's work in front of me, but nothing after that. I was tired, emotional, depressed and just didn't want to be depressed anymore.
I am so far from that place right now - but I will never look at suicidal people the same way.
I didn't want to kill myself, god no! But I wanted the pain to stop.
To explain this feeling to someone else - this utter helpless, tiring, feeling - is impossible. But I've been there - and if you are going through that right now, I am sending you good strong happy and healthy vibes.
Today, almost a year later, I have had a shocking day. Beyond words. But you know, I'll get up and move through it. and live to see another day. and smile..... or at least just live through it ;)
hugs to you all - no matter what you are going through xxx
ps - the pic is the view of my corkboard on my desk at work. Pics of friends and tidbits to make me smile. Cause we always need something to bring light to our faces : )