I am heavily into podcasts and self-help books at the moment, and one great one was about being AMBITIOUS, and having GOALS.
Must say, the last few years were a battle of depression. I've had many joys - including some job changes and training to become a yoga teacher - but for the last year I've been quite stilted in picturing the future and dreaming of where I'd like to be.
So it was very fitting that one of the podcasts I was listening today was about this gal turning 30, and sitting down, writing down where she was right now, and then setting a goal of where she would like to be in exactly one year : where she was going to be when she was 31.
I haven't quite figured out my goals yet - BUT I'm working towards it; and today during work I crossed the Sydn
ey Harbour Bridge (see below!)... is the bridge a sign of me crossing over to something in my year of the big Three Oh?
Let's hope!
xx girl30*
ps - please pretty please share with me your fun podcasts that you listen to regularly, and any books that have inspired you to follow a new & inspiring direction : )
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