Monday, December 31, 2007

...and a happy new year to you all

I'm still down the coast, watching TV, and ready to go to sleep. The fairy lights are on, the fireworks are due to go off soon, and from my heart to yours - all the best for a simply wonderful and shiny new year.
xx girl30*

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Back to Basics

Homegrown fruit & veg, fresh from my nan's garden. How cute are the little capsicums? And how different does it all taste? Seriously, homegrown fruit and veg without all the pesticides - amazing.
xx girl30*

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The simple things in life

....are often the best, so they say. And after a week of eating cheese, tomato and mustard toasted sandwiches for lunch, I wholeheartedly agree!

We've been giving the toaster a workout and isn't it amazing how filling and nice home cooked meals can be? Good for the belly, and even better for the wallet.
xx girl30*

Friday, December 28, 2007

Baby Coach

I have been trained - I now know how to sterilise bottles and also how to *ta da!* change little LaLa's nappy. Can you believe that's my first one ever??!!
xx girl30*

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm hooked!

I am learning little LaLa's cries (I know her hungry cry) and man, has that girl's lungs grown!! She can cry enough to break your heart.

I am also pleased to say that I am not afraid to hold the precious little bub anymore : ) It's all about practice and now I'm getting the hang of it.

I'm so filled with sparkles and happiness!

xx girl30*

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cute or what?

I'm in love. Little LaLa is the object of my affections, and seriously - how can you not just fall in love with someone who has the cutest feet on earth?
It's Christmas today, we've done a lot of driving, eating, drinking, and eating again, and now it's time to call it a day.
Big love to you all. xx

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve in Summer

I'm down the coast enjoying some time away from Sydney, and very happy to be sharing this special festive season with my sister and her family. They even have a tree - which is something I lack!
Merry Christmas dear friends, sending plenty of sparkles to you and yours.
xx girl30*

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Cheers

Today it's all about wrapping up my chrissie pressies for family and friends. Last night I got little LaLa's pressie, which had me in a pickle. I mean, what do you get for a 4 week old?
Then I saw the rubber duckies and immediately knew. Can't wait to see her have a bath with them!!
xx girl30*

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Incense reminds me of yoga, of teaching, relaxing, calmness.

I always have some burning when I'm at home - and it smells like 'home' to me.

Anything in particular that smells like 'home' to you?

xx girl30*

Friday, December 21, 2007

Last day of work for 07!

Hoorah! Have read the paper, had my coffee, cleaned up my desk and now, it's officially HOLIDAYS!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Driving to Work

Australia is a multi-cultural society, and we're all brought up to believe in equality - even if the government programs and laws doesn't support this. So excited was I this morning, driving to work, to see an Aboriginal Flag hanging on a house.... that I had to take a pic of it!
Then no less than a minute later, a news story comes on the radio about how people are trying to ban a Muslim school opening up just out of Sydney.
And as a country targeted by terrorists, this is a firey issue!

What is the answer? There is no simple answer.... but rather, lots to think about.

Peace to you all,
xx girl30*

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Almost a year has passed..

It's almost been one year (minus 2 days) since the last time i was in hospital emergency with an overdose. Last Christmas life got on top of me. I'd just finished a job where the boss was hell on earth, I had a month's work in front of me, but nothing after that. I was tired, emotional, depressed and just didn't want to be depressed anymore.

I am so far from that place right now - but I will never look at suicidal people the same way.

I didn't want to kill myself, god no! But I wanted the pain to stop.

To explain this feeling to someone else - this utter helpless, tiring, feeling - is impossible. But I've been there - and if you are going through that right now, I am sending you good strong happy and healthy vibes.

Today, almost a year later, I have had a shocking day. Beyond words. But you know, I'll get up and move through it. and live to see another day. and smile..... or at least just live through it ;)

hugs to you all - no matter what you are going through xxx

ps - the pic is the view of my corkboard on my desk at work. Pics of friends and tidbits to make me smile. Cause we always need something to bring light to our faces : )

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's the last week!

Yesiree! It's the last week of work! So that means time to clean up all those last bits and pieces of work, to clean up the inbox, the desk, and work station and... um... the car floor!
Yes - as you can see, my car has become an extension of my living room - there's yoga mats, mags, water bottles and paper here there and everywhere.
Oh well - things could be worse ;)
xx girl30*

Monday, December 17, 2007

Stairs + Workout = HARD!

Can you believe that at my gym, there are 4 levels of stairs to walk UP and then back DOWN before you get in and out?

I tell you, there have been many many times the legs were jello, pure and simple, by the time I reached the bottom. Thank god for hand rails!
(what were they thinking?!)

xx girl30*

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Little LaLa is growing up, and I'm in love : )

Friday, December 14, 2007

Chrissy Par-Tay

well, the 'red team' no longer exists - but it was fun while it lasted.
bless ya, and have a merry chrissy everyone! xxx

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


It's not been a fab day in the slightest. I am in a funk, and need to focus on happy smiley, things around me.

Like candles in the bathroom when I'm having a shower. Candles in general. Cups of tea. Lying on my bolster and breathing deeply. Early nights. And the blue sky on my drive home from work.

: )

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Go aussie, go!

Homebake is a fab all day music event in the Sydney Domain, that features just Aussie and NZ artists.

There's 20000 people there, fantastic music, and I love love working there. Hoorah!

xx girl30*

Friday, December 7, 2007

Sometimes you get lost...

And wouldn't it be lovely to think someone out there is looking for you?
I am happily single, but sometimes it would be so nice to come home to someone who just lights up when you get home.

One day.. one day...

xx girl30*

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The best way to start the day

... is with a beautiful yoga class.

Teaching yoga is a true gift. Personally, I have always found it a struggle to do a home practice - I find that when being a student in a class I can just completely let myself go and immerse myself in my feelings and breath. But teaching is still wonderful because while I can't get carried away in meditation, I still get to stretch and breathe and MOVE!

And today I taught a beautiful class right in the middle of the City with the sun streaming into the studio.

Seriously - the BEST way to start you day : )
xx girl30*

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Time for a clean

I dig doing great pranayama (breathing exercises) in yoga - they really get the energy moving around your body, and you can do some great cleansing techniques.

Speaking of cleaning.. the view from the platform where I teach on Wednesday nights is beautiful, but the mat definitely needs a clean, hey!

xx girl30*

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Finding beauty in the little things

+ potplants in window sills
+ facials in the middle of the week for no reason
+ yummy salads for lunch
+ carrot, apple, ginger and beetroot freshly squeezed juices with ice, chill!
+ red shoes
+ hitting 'the wall' and realising I have the power to change how I feel
+ cancelling outings for a night, doing some washing, lighting some candles, fresh bedsheets, folded clothes and a smile
xx girl30*

Monday, December 3, 2007

Fruit, fruit, the magical fruit

I am endeavouring to eat at least 2 pieces of fruit a day and don't find that hard at all.... during the week. But on the weekends I fall down - that is, until now.

I love summer fruit and I couldn't go past this cute little mousepad either - so I honestly can't forget at work about my healthy pledge!!

xx girl30*

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Summer in the City

I love that song by Regina Spektor. However, I'm not so much in love with the funk I'm in at the moment. Yes - big big funk.

So I'm embarking on a 2 week Health Challenge with a dear friend of mine, just 2 simple weeks to bring it all back to basics, chill out, eat healthy fresh foods and start moving my patooti (or is it cahooti? anyway...)

So the way to do it is to WALK in my lunch breaks, even if that means for 5 mins to get some fresh air. It will happen by having 3 gym sessions this week. And by having completely cut back takeaway. Home cooking all the way!

Sometimes it can all seem like way too much so I'm chilling out for a bit and focussing on just the next 2 weeks, then the world is my oyster.

xx girl30*

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Week Old Day!

Luca has turned a week old and I had to celebrate the occasion with a cute purple singlet. She's doing well, keeping on keeping on.

Me? I am well too. Tired - oh so tired, but well. Doing a lot of thinking about things. And accepting my part in things. And trying to figure out how to move forward with things.

xx girl30*

Friday, November 30, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

So I've been on a wee bit of a spring cleaning thing at the mo', and started to tackle the mountain of papers under my bed. Whoever knew a space that small could house so much??!

Here's the stack of mags I'll pass onto my sister!

xx girl30*

Thursday, November 29, 2007

red and white

I have a great little mock (mobile phone sock) for my sparkly new digital camera. Now... if only I could figure out how to get the pics off the camera, and onto the computer! d'oh!

stay tuned as I'll figure it out asap!

xx girl30*

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shhhh take a peek

...into my takeaway filled fridge. No, not proud of the pizza boxes and empty fruit & vegie shelf, but sometimes life just gets in the way. eep!

xx girl30*

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

daily habit

My fave coffee shop round the corner from work. Unfortunately I love it. It gets me through the mornings. But at least I've cut back on the coke. hmmmm coke..

Monday, November 26, 2007


I adore going for a walk in the evenings - the sun is low, the weather is cool, and the pace has slowed down. You can peek into windows and watch people potter in their homes, you can hear dinner plates and pots and pans clang and clatter, and there is just this beautiful smell about summer evenings in Sydney.

Most Monday's I walk through Hyde Park between yoga classes and now that the lights are shining and christmas is close, it is as close to perfect as one can get in the middle of traffic and tall buildings!

Here's to finding a little bit of peace amongst the mayhem in your lives.
xx girl30*

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dancing in the street

I have been wanting to do a dance class for a while - apparently they do a fab 'stretch class' at the Sydney Dance Company that is a beautiful combination of dance and yoga. And walking past this beautiful display window full of tutus and ballet slippers is a sign - surely!
I'm attending a Yoga, Nutrition and Lifestyle Retreat day this Saturday but next Saturday I hope to make it to the class!
Yay for the little signs :)
xx girl30*

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The most gorgeous girl in the world

Somehow, this 1 day old treasure puts it all into perspective.

Pls send good and healthy vibes to little gem and her mum.

xx girl30*

Friday, November 23, 2007

Welcome little Luca Grace!

Today I became an aunty to gorgeous little Luca Grace, the most exquisite girl in the whole world. I will meet her tomorrow and I'm so happy : )

My sister is my best friend - W, I'm so proud of you. What a gorgeous little fam xxx

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Do one thing a day that scares you

Breathe deeply
Practice yoga so you can remain active in physical sports as you age
Dance, sing, floss and travel

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mid-week Summary

Driving to yoga... enjoying my new little hanging display in the car. W gave me this gorgeous little green bird, a wind chime that I've put up on my rearview mirror to give me a bit of zen as I drive around the streets.

xx girl30*

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jack, I miss you already

To the best dog in the whole world: enjoy being happy jackie... we love you, and miss you. Hope doggie heaven is full of chewie bones, big backyards and beach walks. xxx

xx girl30*

Monday, November 19, 2007

Summer in the City

Mid-Martin Place, the Chrissy trees are now up, and there's some beautiful history that thousands walk past each and every day.

xx girl30*

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 2: 30

So now I've been 30 for a whole 24 hours and you know, it's all still rolling along. Got a decent night's sleep last night (yes! the night of my b'day I was in bed before 11!), which was just what I wanted & needed, and got up before my alarm at 9am this morning, got dressed and crossed the Harbour Bridge for a hatha yoga class.

I have been trying to go to this teachers class for aaaages but I used to teach on Sunday mornings and couldn't ever make his other classes, so I finally did today - and of course he's currently away for a fortnight! D'oh! But Melissa taught a beautiful ashtanga class and it was the perfect start to my day.
It's sunny and sparkly outside, warm but not too hot, I've got a fridge full of fresh fruit, juice and vegies (including some yummy lentil patties for dinner) and I've a smile on my face.

Hope yr all rockin,
xx girl30*

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Day!

THANK YOU to my gorgeous friends and family. I actually came home after my birthday dinner this evening - and cried. They were joyous, greatful and happy tears, because I am so very lucky.

The last 10 years of my life have been, on the whole, a constant battle with depression, interspersed with happy random moments. It's been tiring. Bloody tiring!!

But I can actually see that I am moving through this - and the people I spent my birthday today with (either in physical contact with or via the phone and email), well, I love you guys. I truly am blessed to still have these gorgeous people around me in the happy times (like yesterday), especially after they've been there in perhaps the most dark periods of my life.

For you all I am truly so thankful. Bless ya, you all rock : )
xx girl30*
A big day such as today clearly required a scrumptious
breakky at the beach with my family! (pic above)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Pain, a whole new level

There was no going to the gym before work on this last day of my 20's. Instead, I actually felt quite sick during the day - not sure why and am feeling fine now, but physically it was all about PAIN PAIN PAIN.... my legs = PAIN. My arms = PAIN. Sitting down, standing up, moving in general = PAIN.

But the PT session was great and I'm back on Monday and fingers crossed I won't be hurting so much tomorrow on my big day!!!

xx girl30*

<-Driving home after work - sun is shining and I am too!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Getting Buff

To give you an indication of my week of turning 30 -> I'm in tears at dumb cheesy ads because I'm so tired!

Monday taught 2 x yoga classes after working
Tuesday hoorah! just a regular work day, out and about visiting media
Wednesday taught a 7am yoga class, went to work, then taught another yoga class at 8.30pm
Thursday 7am personal training session that had me wobbling all over, then worked all day - moving my office upstairs (ie 2 BIG flights of stairs)
Tomorrow - Friday I was hoping to go to the gym before work for a quick run/walk on the tready, followed by some bike action... then work all day, then down the coast to start celebrating my Saturday Spectacular Celebration!

Oh - after the killer PT session this morning, I am so determined NOT to eat crap and undo all the hard (read: killer!) work I am doing, hence a delish (and homecooked!) spinach & ricotta pasta dish with tomatoes and mushies for dinner, and an equally delish green bean & avocado salad (look at the yummy aray I chose from!)

xx your very tired girl30*

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday Night Yoga

A Hip Tranquil Chick* is one who aims to:
live fully, seek serenity, laugh often, tread mindfully, savour simplicity, love passionately, think globally, exude creativity, treasure tranquillity

I am quite a fan of Kimberly Wilson as she infuses fun into her yoga and practices 'true' yoga - not just a physical practice, but something that touches every part of our lives. See the manifesto below - wouldn't it be lovely to work this hard during my upcoming year?

How to be a HTC:
practice yoga on and off the mat daily
nourish my inner artist through constant creativity
breathe through challenges
creative a vision for my life
consciously carve my career path
host savvy soirees to expand my community
handle my money mindfully
design an oasis to nurture my soul at home and work
think globally through socially conscious actions
exude my signature style with a dash of flair
challenge myself
seek opportunity and express gratitude
find inspiration in the mundane
nurture my relationships
surround myself with candles, flowers, and positive pals
nourish my body with oodles of water, fresh fruit, and whole grains
schedule herbal tea sipping, bathtub soaking, and journal writing

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Goals & such

I am heavily into podcasts and self-help books at the moment, and one great one was about being AMBITIOUS, and having GOALS.

Must say, the last few years were a battle of depression. I've had many joys - including some job changes and training to become a yoga teacher - but for the last year I've been quite stilted in picturing the future and dreaming of where I'd like to be.

So it was very fitting that one of the podcasts I was listening today was about this gal turning 30, and sitting down, writing down where she was right now, and then setting a goal of where she would like to be in exactly one year : where she was going to be when she was 31.

I haven't quite figured out my goals yet - BUT I'm working towards it; and today during work I crossed the Sydney Harbour Bridge (see below!)... is the bridge a sign of me crossing over to something in my year of the big Three Oh?

Let's hope!
xx girl30*

ps - please pretty please share with me your fun podcasts that you listen to regularly, and any books that have inspired you to follow a new & inspiring direction : )

Walking through the City

....from one yoga class to another - and what do I see this early November? The big city chrissy tree being erected in the city!

The buildings are sparkling, and you can see the top of the tree ahead this huge pole!
xx girl30*

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hoorah for sunshine!

Today was the Newtown Festival and true to my promise of yesterday, I went out and enjoyed myself. Big smiles from M & I -->

The day started at 9.30 with the Dog Show... small, medium and large 'dog dash' races done, it was time for Celeb Lookalike Dog (congrats to Princess Leah!), and then time for the most Disadvantaged Dog.

My gorgeous friend Bekk has her own dog but has recently fostered the most beautiful mannered and lovely doggie, Lily, as she is on Death Row. Poor Lily and her sweet demeanour won over the crowd and of course she won her section (Most Disadvantaged Dog) against last years winner... the one eyed little pup. We're still waiting to hear if Lily has been adopted out to a loving family, but all in all we had the most fun day with her.

<-- Here is Lily in love with my shoe.. knackered out after winning the comp and meeting loads of other beautiful doggies!

If you thinking of getting a puppy or cat, why not contact the Sydney Dogs Home? If you are keen to save Lily from Death Row, you'll even be able to enjoy a lovely night away in the Blue Mountains (Lily's prize!).
So now I've just gotten back from doing some grocery shopping, I'm a little sunburnt but full of smiles.

Hope your weekend was just as magical,
xx girl30*

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Hip & Tranquil Weekend!

the weekend promises yoga, writing time, and some creative license thanks to unstructured time. i'm delighted. may you carve out some unstructured time this weekend to laugh, read, write, dance, and be. au revior. Kimberly Wilson, Hip Tranquil Chick

Oh how I’ve been falling into a little depression lately. I say ‘little’ because it’s nowhere near as major as I’ve suffered before, but it’s definitely creeping upon me. I can’t decide what to do (so instead, I just sleep all day), I can’t decide what to eat (so I don’t have anything) and that general blah feeling has settled. So it was perfect timing I read this beautiful quote above on Hip Tranquil Chick.

Today is Saturday and I spent the day sleeping, but tomorrow is the annual Newtown Festival and I am looking forward to breathing in some fresh air, catching the dogshow, and having lovely girly time with some friends. I still have some time to fill my weekend with some beauty, fun and dancing.

Perhaps I'll fit a yoga class in as well.... This is the pose of the month on my yoga calendar and while I have a strong practice, I think this pose is still a way off for me!!

Friday, November 9, 2007


I love The Simpsons, and I have to laugh everytime I watch the episode where Marge stars in 'A Streetcar Named Desire'.

I was off sick yesterday with a horrific headache, and after sleeping all day was a bit mopey. Cabin fever had set in! But I turned on the TV at night, saw this episode, and a smile (albeit a small one) lit up my face.