Welcome to my world!
I am pretty non-plussed about turning 30. But I must say that I’m in a very different place to where I expected myself to be… no no no, don’t fret - I’m quite thrilled with where I am, but it’s just… different to where I have spent my whole life thinking I’d be.
This spring chicken is about to turn the big Three Oh (in under a month) and I thought I’d invite you to share the journey - through pictures and words - with me.
I am pretty non-plussed about turning 30. But I must say that I’m in a very different place to where I expected myself to be… no no no, don’t fret - I’m quite thrilled with where I am, but it’s just… different to where I have spent my whole life thinking I’d be.
I mean, I am the heaviest I’ve been in my life - I thought I’d be FIT and HOT. I am still battling daily with heavy depression - I thought I’d be through it. I am in debt, big ti
me - I thought I’d be owning my own home by now. And I’m single - happily single and learning to love myself, but I thought I’d be with a long term partner by now and heck, maybe even have some kittens!
Anyway, it’s quite fitting that I have just come home from a Justin Timberlake concert (right), seeing as this is my year of ‘bringing sexy back’, baby! It’s about travelling down the road of this new decade and finding some happiness, some sexiness, some joy and laughter and sparkles. It’s about becoming comfortable with myself by challening myself, setting (and achieving) goals, and testing some new waters.
Good to have you along for the journey : )
Love, girl30 xxx